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China: Excellent market position and unique branding strategy are key to increasing market share

2018-07-13 foodmate

Tag: apple


"The level of technology in the Chinese agricultural industry and the level of farming knowledge among Chinese farmers have both increased in recent years. And the product quality of domestic fruit has significantly increased as a result. Many highly-standardized domestic fruit brands emerged in the wake of these developments. These brands even exceed imported fruits when it comes to flavor. Examples include the Nongfu Shanquan 17.5 Navel orange, the Shandong SOD Organic Fuji apple, or the Shanghai Nanhui 8424 watermelon that comes with a QR-code that allows customers to trace the production area of individual watermelons." This is according to Ms. Patty of Frutacloud (full name: Fruta Network Science and Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.).


"The domestic fruits that exceed imported fruit in quality are, however, only a small part of the domestic fruit production. The vast majority of domestic fruits still falls short of imported fruit when it comes to quality or flavor. There currently are still many areas in Chinese fruit production wher improvement is necessary, for example, selecing and grading fruit or assembly line packaging. When the cost price comes down and the level of standardization increases, then the competitive strength of Chinese fruit industry will grow. However, this will be a slow process."


"Chinese consumers pay more and more attention to healthy food and they have more disposable income. They are willing to pay extra for high-quality imported fruits. The import volume of fruit steadily grows every year to take advantage of this development. This offers Chinese consumers a wider variety of fruit to choose from, but it also puts pressure on the domestic market. This year in particular, while the import volume continued to grow, market prices came down. import traders should better prepare their annual product strategies and marketing plans to avoid these market conditions."


"We provide supply chain services that include "supply--retail--sales management--promotion". Frutacloud imports more than 50 fruit varieties from more than 30 countries across the globe. We provide a rich variety of fresh fruit and sales management services to supermarkets, automated shops, and e-commerce platforms in China. Frutacloud has steadily developed outstanding achievement in retail since the company was established. We mainly benefit from our excellent market position and unique branding strategy."


"We mainly sell our fruit through traditional wholesale markets as well as the supply service of e-commerce platforms. We mainly sell in wholesale markets, supermarkets, and on e-commerce platforms in first and second tier cities in China. Our share of e-commerce retail steadily increased as a result of the widespread use of the internet and the rapid developments in the distribution industry. Now that we live in an era with automated convenience stores, Frutacloud hopes to become the fresh produce supply service provider of the 020 e-commerce platform. This is our main development direction."


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