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Crosslinked Acid Crosslinking Regulator ADJ-150
Crosslinked Acid Crosslinking Regulator ADJ-150

Crosslinked Acid Crosslinking Regulator ADJ-150

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Product Categories:
Food Raw Materials and Ingredients
Beijing Guaran Science and Technology.Co.Ltd
less than 10 person
North America,Asia

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Main Sales Markets: North America,Central/South America,Western Europe,Eastern Europe,Australasia,Eastern Europe,Australasia,Asia,Middle East,Africa
Sample Provided: No
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                                   Crosslinked acid crosslinking regulator ADJ-150 is prepared by the reactions of polybasic acid, hydroxycarboxylic acid and other compounds. It is capable to activate and adjust the crosslinking delay time of the crosslinked acid. Compounded with crosslinked acid crosslinking agent ACL-150, it can be used for the preparation of crosslinked acid.                                

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Beijing Guaran Science and Technology.Co.Ltd
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Crosslinked Acid Crosslinking Regulator ADJ-150
Crosslinked Acid Crosslinking Regulator ADJ-150
Product price:
Product brand:
Yet provide
Product Categories:
Food Raw Materials and Ingredients
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Beijing Guaran Science and Technology.Co.Ltd
less than 10 person
North America,Asia
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Beijing Guaran Science and Technology.Co.Ltd
Beijing Guaran Science and Technology.Co.Ltd
Crosslinked Acid Crosslinking Regulator ADJ-150
Crosslinked Acid Crosslinking Regulator ADJ-150
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