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Cassava starch processing line
Cassava starch processing line

Cassava starch processing line

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BOSIDA Starch Technology Co.,Ltd.
6th Floor, Fengye Building, 110 University West Street, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia
50 to 59
Central/South America,Western Europe,Eastern Europe,Asia,Middle East,Africa

Product Details

Certificates/Standards: N;
Monthly Output: Not provided
Regional: Hohhot,China.
Packaging Information: Not provided
Mode Of Payment: Not provided
Delivery Lead Time: Not provided
Main Sales Markets: North America,Central/South America,Western Europe,Eastern Europe,Australasia,Asia,Middle East,Africa
Sample Provided: No
Sample Policy: Not provided
Minimum Quantity: Not provided

Specifications European technology ,High yield ,Good quality ,Stainless steel , ISO 9001 Process description of cassava starch production line: Cassava transporting, Dry cleaning drum/peeler, Washing, Chopping, Rasping, First de-sanding, Fibre extraction, Second de-sanding, Concentration, Starch washing, Fine fibre sieving, Dewatering, Drying, Packing Processing capacity: 50 tons/day cassava starch 100 tons/day cassava starch 200 tons/day cassava starch 300 tons/day cassava starch Advantage: - Advanced European process technology - High quality equipment materials and treatment - First class machine fabrication technology and strict quality control - Advanced control system - First class cassava starch quality - Excellent after sale service.

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BOSIDA Starch Technology Co.,Ltd.
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Cassava starch processing line
Cassava starch processing line
Product price:
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BOSIDA Starch Technology Co.,Ltd.
6th Floor, Fengye Building, 110 University West Street, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia
50 to 59
Central/South America,Western Europe,Eastern Europe,Asia,Middle East,Africa
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BOSIDA Starch Technology Co.,Ltd.
BOSIDA Starch Technology Co.,Ltd.
Cassava starch processing line
Cassava starch processing line
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