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Immune-boosting product launches in Southeast Asia

Immune-boosting product launches in Southeast Asia2020-12-07

Chocolate snacks with adaptogenic mushroom powder, vitamin C jelly, and prebiotic-packed crackers ar...
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U.S. regulatory food safety update from Yiannas and Brashears

U.S. regulatory food safety update from Yiannas and Brashears2020-10-28

Day two of The International Association for Food Protection 2020, A Virtual Annual Meeting featured...
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At the start, Brashears finds Under Secretary for Food Safety job is all COVID-19 all the time

At the start, Brashears finds Under Secretary for Food Safety job is all COVID-19 all the time2020-07-22

The day after she was finally confirmed by the U.S. Senate, Mindy Brashears was back home in  Lubboc...
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Brashears promises data, science and food safety modernization at FSIS

Brashears promises data, science and food safety modernization at FSIS2019-07-27

The $2 billion hog market slaughter industry will get more flexibility, and USDA’s Food Safety and I...
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Ag committee again clears way for Senate to confirm Brashears for USDA

Ag committee again clears way for Senate to confirm Brashears for USDA2019-05-15

The nomination of Mindy Brashears, currently deputy undersecretary for food safety, to be the USDA’s...
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Brashears, Earp, Hutchins start work today at USDA

Brashears, Earp, Hutchins start work today at USDA2019-01-30

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue is no longer waiting for U.S. Senate action to beef-up hi...
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‘Nuclear option’ might get Brashears conformed by U.S. Senate

‘Nuclear option’ might get Brashears conformed by U.S. Senate2019-01-21

It might take the “nuclear option” to get the U.S. Senate to confirm the nomination of Texas Tech Un...
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Brashears and two others for top USDA jobs clear nomination hearing

Brashears and two others for top USDA jobs clear nomination hearing2018-11-30

Were it not for rules prohibiting a committee vote on the same day as the nomination hearing, the ap...
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