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DHA algal oil gel candy
DHA algal oil gel candy

DHA algal oil gel candy

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Product Categories:
Function (Health)
Shandong Zhongshun Biotechnology Co. LTD
less than 10 person
North America,Central/South America,Western Europe,Eastern Europe,Australasia,Asia,Middle East,Africa

Product Details

Certificates/Standards: N;
Monthly Output: Not provided
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Packaging Information: Not provided
Mode Of Payment: Not provided
Delivery Lead Time: Not provided
Main Sales Markets: North America,Central/South America,Western Europe,Eastern Europe,Australasia,Asia,Middle East,Africa
Sample Provided: No
Sample Policy: Not provided
Minimum Quantity: Not provided

DHA algae oil gel candy, deep-sea natural algae oil as raw material, through high-tech extraction process, pure DHA into the candy. Its unique gel candy form not only retains the activity of DHA, but also makes the nutrients easy to absorb and digest. 1. Natural source: The use of deep-sea natural algae oil to extract DHA, no pollution, no addition, to ensure the purity and safety of the product.

2. High activity: Through advanced production process, the biological activity of DHA is retained, which is more conducive to human body absorption and utilization.

3. Easy digestion: The unique gel candy form makes the nutrients easier to digest and absorb.

4. Good taste: The candy has a delicate taste, sweet and delicious, and has an endless aftertaste.

1. Promote brain development: DHA is an important part of nerve cell membrane and plays an important role in improving people's memory and thinking ability.

2. Vision protection: DHA plays an important role in the development and protection of the retina, helping to prevent myopia and retinopathy.

3. Promote fetal development: pregnant women supplement DHA to help the fetal intelligence and visual development.

4. Improve memory: For the elderly, DHA supplementation can improve memory and delay mental decline.

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Shandong Zhongshun Biotechnology Co. LTD
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DHA algal oil gel candy
DHA algal oil gel candy
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Shandong Zhongshun Biotechnology Co. LTD
less than 10 person
North America,Central/South America,Western Europe,Eastern Europe,Australasia,Asia,Middle East,Africa
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Shandong Zhongshun Biotechnology Co. LTD
Shandong Zhongshun Biotechnology Co. LTD
DHA algal oil gel candy
DHA algal oil gel candy
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